A Christian with Four Aces
Tom Maguire is [relatively] gracious in victory. Hats off to him.
Words Made to Last
Following up on a rant at Belgravia Dispatch, I came upon this Al-Jazeerah article. After reproducing the Washington Post article that roused Mr. Djerejian's ire, they conclude:
You seem to not be looking out for only a particular foreign interest, ARE YOU????
What kind of strange game do you play, is the fact SEAN LENNON helped you all get elected something you want to continue to hide???
What are you doing, Congressman Tom Lantos??
What are you doing to our country, and the world?
The worst legislation I have heard of this year is, apparently, languishing in committee:
A bill pending in Congress would divert a percentage of profits from federally chartered institutions such as Fannie Mae to a national affordable-housing trust fund, but it seems stalled.
Kevin Drum points us to a report from Tehran by David Ignatius, which says in part:
Perhaps the most interesting fact of life in Tehran this week is that you can't find anyone who is opposed in principle to dialogue with the United States. Even a few months ago, that topic was almost taboo, but now here's Ahmadinejad himself calling for a public debate with Bush.Mr. Drum thinks that this makes the case for negotiation:
Even now, it's not too late to talk to Iran. There are things they want and things we want.
... leaders seek legitimacy by being associated favorably with leaders who have achieved a mandate by democratic means. And what better way to garner such legitimacy than by receiving the implicit stamp of approval of the President of the United States?
The UK is proposing sentencing guidelines which would, for all practical purposes, legalize shoplifting:
Shoplifters could avoid jail no matter how many times they commit the offence, under proposals from a sentencing watchdog.
The radical change could apply even when the thief is a persistent offender who has breached community sentences in the past, the Sentencing Advisory Panel suggests.
[...] Under option one, the panel says: βThe most severe sentence for a standard offence of theft from a shop would be a high-level community order, even where an offender may have failed to comply with such an order in the past. The only factors that could allow a custodial sentence to be imposed would be the existence of identified aggravating factors.β
Kevin Drum is once again using GM's pension troubles to argue, not for personal responsibility for retirement, but for a redoubled effort to replicate the same problems on a larger scale. [For an earlier analysis, start here or here.]
So who benefits from this lopsided system? No one except the insurance and financial services industries that administer these plans.Clearly there are other beneficiaries; for example, the workers at companies like Google [Mr. Drum's example, not mine], who wish to sell their services for a mutually agreed fair price, and are willing to take responsibility for their own savings and retirement.
GM's management faces higher costs than its competitors in other countries because it has to pay its employees' healthcare costs and Toyota and Volkswagen don't.
Pejman Yousefzadeh, though he has kindly provided me an excellent home at Chequer-Board, has a strange blind spot -- an inexplicable love of soccer. Respect for truth compels me to admit that soccer is not "world's most boring sport"; that honor belongs to cricket, where twenty-two men stand on a field for five days constructing draws from a negative binomial distribution.
Via Megan McArdle, we find a commentary by Dan Drezner on the limits of constructive engagement:
Put crudely, if a regime wants to stay in power at all costs, all of the economic openness in the world is not going to make much difference, because the government that wants to stay in power will simply apply strict controls over trade with the outside world.
Sometimes Kevin Drum is so impressive, you wonder how you could ever not agree with him:
I don't want to make any grandiose claims about the effect of a single policy change, but [reducing farm subsidies] is the kind of thing that we ought to be doing as part of our campaign to win the war on terror. High farm subsidies send a message to poor countries that not only do we not care about them β exactly as Osama bin Laden claims β but that we aren't willing to help them out even when it would benefit our own consumers and practically every relevant expert in our own country agrees that it's a step we should take.And then sometimes, you don't have to wonder:
This attitude [repugnance for the far left] is what I've come to think of as Kaus-ism.... But today? When serious lefties sneer at the Democratic Party and Republicans are united behind the barroom gibberish of George Bush? Why should anyone even moderately left of center spend more than a few minutes a week worrying about a barely detectable liberal drift in the Democratic Party?
So-called "speciesism", a neologism coined to capitalize on the stigma attached to racism and sexism, is a shibboleth among animal-rights extremists, a self-exculpatory flag under which to attack humanity.
think humans do not possess any morally unique qualities and people are no better than other lifeforms. They argue that those who claim a special or a higher status for humans are no better than those who talk about racial or male superiority.